Shelly BLU Gateway Bluetooth Wi-Fi
Product reference: 059189

Shelly BLU Gateway Bluetooth Wi-Fi

Product reference: 059189
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Bluetooth to Wi-Fi gateway in Shelly BLU Gateway USB-A dongle

The USB-A dongle connects to Wi-Fi and enables easy integration of BLE devices into a local network. Its applications range from apartments to condos, hotels to small offices, stores, restaurants and gas stations.


Simple operation

The device has a simple interface with a single button that acts as a reset. Pressing and holding the button for 5 seconds activates the device's access point mode and enables Bluetooth connection. Pressing and holding for 10 seconds restores the device to factory settings.

Manufacturer Shelly
Model GWF-KZ01
Color white
Dimensions 45 x 20 x 8 mm
Weight 5 g
Material Plastic
Ambient temperature -20 °C to 40 °C
Humidity 30% to 70% relative humidity
Power supply 5 VDC (from USB Type A port)
Power consumption 1 W
RF bandwidth 2400 - 2495 MHz
Max RF power 20 dBm
Wi-Fi protocol 802.11 b/g/n
Wi-Fi range Up to 30 m indoors and 50 m outdoors (Depends on local conditions)
Bluetooth protocol 4.2
Bluetooth range Up to 20 m indoors and 30 m outdoors (Depends on local conditions)
Memory 4 MB
Script storage Yes
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