The brother RH137 sewing machine with a loose sleeve and an automatic needle adhesion provides comfortable sewing, while 37 seam patterns allow you to create a variety of projects.
Sewing machine - brother RH137 Power Plant
Product reference:4977766706216
The brother RH137 sewing machine with a loose sleeve and an automatic needle adhesion provides comfortable sewing, while 37 seam patterns allow you to create a variety of projects.
Sewing machine - brother RH137 Power Plant
Product reference:4977766706216
The brother RH137 sewing machine with a loose sleeve and an automatic needle adhesion provides comfortable sewing, while 37 seam patterns allow you to create a variety of projects.
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Brother RH137 is an electric sewing machine for a variety of sewing needs. It has a loose sleeve and an automatic needle that ensures comfort and efficiency.
the main properties of
Laisva sleeve: Yes
automatic needle: yes
Ex length: 4 millimeters
The number of writings of
hot: 37
Sex width: 5 millimeters
mashina Power Type: Electric, Weight: 6.5 kilograms, height: 310 millimeters, width: 400 millimeters, depth: 170 millimeters.
product color Balta
loose sleeve tai
seam length 4 millimeters
Automatic needle insertion tiope
Management type Mygt
The number of patterns of seams _17_37
Sewing Machine Functions Awing
seam width _17_5 millimeters