Antenna separator fakra-iso vw,audi,seat skoda 2002-
Product reference: 207941788317

Antenna separator fakra-iso vw,audi,seat skoda 2002-

Product reference: 207941788317
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Type of car connectorantenna separatorIntended use - car brandAudi, Citroen, Seat, Skoda, VWIntended use - car modelAudi 2002->, Citroen 2005->, Seat 2002->, Skoda 2002->, VW 2002->Special antenna separator. This separator is used to provide power supply to the antenna. Factory radios have such a device built into the center of the radio. This device is needed when installing another universal radio. It is available in several versions depending on the radio being installed. The subject of the auction is an antenna separator with a DIN connector (most radios have this connector). If your radio is equipped with an ISO connector, you can order a separator with an ISO connector or install the appropriate one available on my auctions. Fakra-ISO antenna separator VW, Audi, Seat Skoda 2002->, a power supply that helps your antenna! A radio antenna allows us to receive a signal in our radio receiver, but in order for the signal to reach the device, we must deliver it. The Fakra-ISO VW, Audi, Seat Skoda 2002-> antenna separator is used to transmit the signal to our radio, thus significantly improving the reception of waves. Its use is especially recommended for cars in which the factory radio has been replaced with another, non-original one. Thanks to the DIN connector, it should fit most car radios! Dedicated loudspeaker frames for Fiat Grande Punto, Opel 100-130 mm, created especially for your car! Due to their different construction, cars have unique places for loudspeakers, so before purchasing it is worth making sure that speaker frames will fit your car. Fiat Grande Punto and Opel loudspeaker frames 100-130 mm are designed for various car models to facilitate the installation of the equipment and to prevent it from moving while driving the vehicle. Dedicated frames guarantee proper fit, so you won't have to worry about speaker installation!
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