Screen protector film Apple Vision Pro
Product reference: 9991000603937

Screen protector film Apple Vision Pro

Product reference: 9991000603937
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Screen Protector for Apple Vision Pro. The protective film is made of high-quality material, so it adheres firmly to the screen. The film provides protection against mechanical damage such as bumps or scratches from sharp objects.

Thanks to advanced technology, the feel and resolution of the screen will not differ from the original screen.

The protective glass adheres very tightly and adheres to the screen, so it is smooth. A special card is included in the set, it helps to easily apply the film on the screen without any air gaps.

The protective film is covered with a special coating that is resistant to fingerprints and stains on the screen.

Thickness: 0.3 mm.

Complete set:
Protection film.
Air gap removal card.
Microfiber cleaning cloth.
Cleaning cloth with alcohol.
Dust collection sheet.

Compatible with:
Apple Vision Pro.

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