cloth microfiber car polishing towel 37x27 cm 800g/ m2 amio-01620
Product reference: 13293

cloth microfiber car polishing towel 37x27 cm 800g/ m2 amio-01620

Product reference: 13293
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It is made of soft and durable microfiber with a specially designed fiber weave. It allows you to quickly dry the entire car without having to "wring out" the towel. The high grammage ensures high comfort of work and reduces the risk of scratching the paint. It can be used for drying the paint surface and applying quick detailers. The grammage is 800 gsm (grams per square meter). The dream of every fan of a clean and well-kept car. Extremely high absorbency has been combined with the highest quality of workmanship, providing an excellent quality product that will work well in both amateur and professional applications. It collects excess water from the paint surface exceptionally easily and very effectively, without leaving any residue. no streaks. 
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