Voltage reducer rv-16 24vdc - 12vdc power: 70w
Product reference: 108247715871

Voltage reducer rv-16 24vdc - 12vdc power: 70w

Product reference: 108247715871
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The RV-16 voltage reducer is a reliable device designed to reduce the 24V voltage of installations found in, among others: trucks, to 12V. Thanks to a number of protections, the reducer is ideal for powering GPS navigation, radios, CB radios, small refrigerators, mini-vacuum cleaners, etc. It is a modern, interference-free electronic device designed to reduce voltage. No galvanic separation between the input and the output. Parameters / Product nameRV-16Input voltage [VDC]15÷30Output voltage [VDC]13.8polarity change protectionYESMax. continuous output current [A]1.5 Overvoltage protection of the power supply output [V]15 Short-circuit protection [A]8 Thermal protection 80°C No-load current <25mA Output interference 0mV Input interference 0mV Operating temperature -25°C ~ +55°C Cooling Passive Protection level IP21 Housing Aluminum Dimensions LxWxH [mm] 171x75x 32Weight [g ]400
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