Mercedes Vito, Viano, X-class loudspeaker frames. 165 mm front/ set
Product reference: 923449325425

Mercedes Vito, Viano, X-class loudspeaker frames. 165 mm front/ set

Product reference: 923449325425
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Speaker rings allow you to replace your original factory speakers. Factory speakers are often not DIN standard. Use our speaker rings to easily fit new high-quality speakers from popular brands to your vehicle.                                                        Car audio: Speaker framesMaterial: PlasticSpeaker size: 165 mmInner diameter: 147.50 mmOuter diameter: 164 / 204.50 mmRing height: 27.50 mmBrand and model:Mercedes Vito (V447) 10/2014 - 2021 - front doors,Mercedes Viano (W447) 05/2014 - 2021 - front doors, Mercedes X - class 11/2017 - 5/2020 - front doors,
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