Radio frame Fiat Punto Evo 2009-
Product reference: 609418822666

Radio frame Fiat Punto Evo 2009-

Product reference: 609418822666
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Black radio frame for Fiat Punto EvoWe offer a solidly made black radio frame for Fiat Punto Evo, which ensures stable support of the multimedia device. This gadget also allows you to eliminate all unsightly gaps in the cockpit. If you are planning to replace the radio with a new one, it is worth taking an interest in this product. Compatibility with Fiat cars. The presented 1 DIN radio frame in black with a shiny surface fits Fiat Punto Evo cars from 2009 to 2011, as well as Fiat Punto vehicles. , produced since 2011. After installation, the installation of the radio is very simple, and connecting the cabling to the equipment is not a problem. Trust us - choose Car-TronicWe always offer our customers comprehensive solutions that never disappoint. By choosing the Fiat Punto Evo radio frame from our offer, you will certainly be satisfied. It is a solidly made product with above-average durability. Many car manufacturers produce their own radios that are optically integrated with the center console. For this reason, an appropriate radio frame is needed to replace the standard DIN or double DIN radio. Moreover, a dedicated radio is often required for the vehicle. radio connector, antenna adapter, steering wheel remote control adapter, reversing camera adapter and active adapter to run the factory amplifier. 1 DIN radio frame, allows you to replace the factory radio with a universal one. Masks the gaps between the cockpit and the car radio. Car audio accessories type: Radio frame Version: 1 DIN Color: glossy black Car brand and model :  Fiat Punto Evo (199) 10/2009 - 01/2011  Fiat Punto (199) 01/2011 -> Does not fit Becker or VDO (only for radio with removable decorative frame)
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