Fiat Bravo, Brava, Marea '95 radio frame - + ISO-DIN adapter
Product reference: 193045449682

Fiat Bravo, Brava, Marea '95 radio frame - + ISO-DIN adapter

Product reference: 193045449682
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1 DIN radio frame in black We offer a 1 DIN radio frame in black. This is equipment that is installed when replacing the radio with a new, non-factory model. Often the dimensions of the new device are slightly different than the recess in the cockpit. Choose a frame for your Fiat Bravo, Brava or Marea car The presented 1 DIN radio frame fits Fiat Bravo, Brava and Marea cars. Thanks to its specially designed structure, it effectively masks all gaps and unsightly gaps. By using this type of gadget, you can enjoy a new radio that will be mounted safely and stably. Durable construction guarantees satisfaction The radio frame for Fiat Bravo, Brava and Marea is synonymous with strength and resistance. Once attached, it will serve proudly for a long time. This product will surely satisfy you. Car audio radio frame the car brand Fiat Car model: Fiat Brava 1995-> Fiat Bravo 1995-> Fiat Marea 1995->2000 Fiat Marea Weekend 1995->2000 Version 1 DIN Color black Properties no holes Set radio frame + ISO-DIN adapter  
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