Daewoo Kalos radio frame
Product reference: 496514748681

Daewoo Kalos radio frame

Product reference: 496514748681
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Radio frame for Daewoo Kalos cars. Minimalist radio frame. Radio frame in a minimalist version available in black with a 1 DIN car connector. The product is very well made, solid and easy to install. Installing the frame takes just a few moments. Radio frame for Daewoo cars. The 1 DIN radio frame will be an excellent choice for owners of Daewoo Kalos cars from 2004-2007. This thin frame will make it easier to install an original or other radio in your car. Radio frame at an affordable priceThe 1 DIN radio frame is characterized not only by good workmanship, but also by simple assembly and an affordable price. The product is available immediately, fits nicely into the car's cockpit and covers all the gaps. Type of accessories car audio radio frame Car connector version 1 DIN Intended use - car brand Chevrolet (Daewoo) Kalos (KLAS) 2004 - 2007 Color black Intended use - Daewoo Kalos car model
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