Frame radiowa 2din toyota Corolla 2009 - 2013
Product reference: 917155376765

Frame radiowa 2din toyota Corolla 2009 - 2013

Product reference: 917155376765
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1 or 2 DIN radio frame  We offer a radio frame designed for mounting a radio receiver in your car. This model is compatible with Toyota vehicles - more details can be found below. The frame is available in 1 DIN or 2 DIN version, i.e. 2 standards determining the size of the recess. This guarantees great versatility and can be used in various car models. Functionality and elegance A 1 or 2 DIN radio frame will allow for trouble-free installation of the radio in your car. In addition to quality and functional values, its advantage is also aesthetics - thanks to the elegant black finish. Get to know the technical details, see what it may look like in your car and take advantage of our attractive price and quality offer now. Many car manufacturers produce their own head units that are optically integrated into the center console. For this reason, you need a suitable radio frame to replace a standard DIN radio or a double DIN radio. Additionally, a dedicated radio connector, antenna adapter, steering wheel remote control adapter, reversing camera adapter and an active adapter to run the factory amplifier are often required for the vehicle. 2 DIN radio frame allows you to replace the factory radio with a universal one. Masks the gaps between the cockpit and the car radio.                                           Internal dimensions: 98 x 173 mm for 2 DIN radio Version: 2 DIN Black colour Car make and model:   Toyota Corolla 2009 - 2013
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