Radio frame 2 din Fiat Ducato 04/ 2021-
Product reference: 115618766526

Radio frame 2 din Fiat Ducato 04/ 2021-

Product reference: 115618766526
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Many car manufacturers produce their own radio units that are optically integrated into the center console. For this reason, a suitable radio frame is needed to replace a standard DIN or double DIN radio. In addition, a dedicated radio connector, an antenna adapter, a remote control adapter with steering wheel, reversing camera adapter and active adapter to run the factory amplifier. 2 DIN radio frame allows you to replace the factory radio with a universal one. Masks the gaps between the cockpit and the car radio. Internal dimensions: 98 x 173 mm Version: 2 DIN Color: black Car brand and model: Fiat Ducato (250) 04/2021 -> 2 DIN radio frame Fiat Ducato 2021 -> - even easier installation of the car receiver! If the standard radio receiver that was already installed in your car no longer meets your requirements, the best idea is to replace it with a completely new radio from a proven manufacturer. Unfortunately, the standard socket will not be compatible with offers from other manufacturers. How can we deal with this? All you need is the right accessories! The 2 DIN Fiat Ducato 2021 radio frame -> will allow you to easily modernize your car audio system! The assembly process itself is extremely simple and intuitive. Discover the advantages of the Car-tronic store! When you decide to shop at Car-tronic, you focus primarily on your satisfaction. All products on our website come from original distribution, so you can be sure that you will receive high-quality products.
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