Pioneer SPH-10BT car radio
Product reference: 10514

Pioneer SPH-10BT car radio

Product reference: 10514
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12 month

Delivery in 
4 - 14
business days

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  SpotifyWith the Spotify app, simply connect your smartphone and conveniently browse your favorite playlists, albums, songs and artists from the head unit.Pioneer Smart Sync AppPioneer Smart Sync App helps you take advantage of your smartphone's featuresConnects your smartphone to compatible Pioneer car stereosMulti-color backlightingAdjust the display and key illumination to your interior lighting vehicle thanks to a range of infinite color combinations. PLAYBACK Player type Radio USB player Maximum output power 4 x 50 WSaudio playback standardsMP3, WAV, WMA, ACC, FLACimage playback standardsN/ARadio band - AM LW, AM MW, FM (FM)
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