Blade fuse holder. 2.5mm2 red cable
Product reference: 160921669526

Blade fuse holder. 2.5mm2 red cable

Product reference: 160921669526
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Fuse accessories: HolderFuse type: AutomotiveFuse size; 19mm cable length: 15cm on both sides                                                                                                             Symbol Rated current Cable cross-section Cable color[A][mm2]OBS-050-R30.5redOBS-050-R/BK30, 5red-blackOBS-050-Y30,5yellowOBS-075-R50,75redOBS-075- Y50.75yellowOBS-150-R121.5redOBS-150-Y121.5yellowOBS-250-R202.5redOBS-250-Y202.5yellow
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