Agu fuse holder for a 10 - 20 mm² cable, silver
Product reference: 738483815952

Agu fuse holder for a 10 - 20 mm² cable, silver

Product reference: 738483815952
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High-quality AGU fuse holder. The fixture is made for a cable with a diameter of 10mm2 to 20mm2 on both sides. German product, silver-plated contacts, protection against cable breakage. Car audio fuse holder Input cable cross-section max. 20 mm2 Output cable cross-section max. 10 mm2* Accepts high-current CPF-...G series fuses* Cable diameter: 8mm to 20mm (on both sides)* Silver-plated terminals, cable break protection* Version insulated with mounting plate* Dimensions: 26mm x 85mm
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