Polyester braid 12mm (11-17mm) black
Product reference: 164737463823

Polyester braid 12mm (11-17mm) black

Product reference: 164737463823
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Symbol Color Braid diameter [mm] OPL.03-BK black 2...5, nom. 3 OPL.03-RD red 2...5, nom. 3 OPL.04-BK black 3...7, nom. 4 OPL.04-BK/GY dark grey 3...7, nom. 4 OPL.04-BL blue 3...7, nom. 4 OPL.04-RD red 3...7, nom. 4 OPL.04-YL yellow 3...7, nom. 4 OPL.05-BK black 4...9, nom. 5 OPL.05-BK/GY dark grey 4...9, nom. 5 OPL.08-BK black 7...13, nom. 8 OPL.08-BK/GY dark grey 7...13, nom. 8 OPL.08-RD red 7...13, nom. 8 OPL.10-BK black 9...15, nom. 10 OPL.12-BK black 11...17, nom. 12 OPL.12-RD red 11...17, nom. 12 OPL.15-BK black 13...20, nom. 15 OPL.20-BK black 18...25, nom. 20 OPL.25-BK black 22...30, nom. 25 OPL.30-BK black 27...40, nom. thirty
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