Notebook Cooler EH16, EH36
Product reference: 9990001032371-1

Notebook Cooler EH16, EH36

Product reference: 9990001032371-1
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12 month

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2 - 4
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Notebook Fan Sony Vaio VPC EH EH16, EH36, EH25YC, EH26, EH38, EH22, EH36, EH100.

Compatible computer models:
Sony Vaio EH16.
Sony Vaio EH36.
Sony Vaio EH25YC.
Sony Vaio EH26.
Sony Vaio EH38.
Sony Vaio EH22.
Sony Vaio EH36.
Sony Vaio EH100.

Notes: the list of compatible models may not be complete. In case of doubt, always ask a consultant for advice.

Warranty: 12 months.
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