4.3 inch LCD monitor in the mirror
Product reference: 898178597696

4.3 inch LCD monitor in the mirror

Product reference: 898178597696
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Technical dataTFT LCD digital monitorDisplay size: 4.3”Display format: 4:3Power: <3WPower supply: 12VDCVideo: 2 AV sockets, automatic switching when reversingSystem: PAL/NTSC automatic switchingContrast: 350:1Pixels: 960*468Mounting on a mirror using movable handles. Conditions of use: Operating voltage: 9V-16V DC Ambient humidity: 10-90% Ambient temperature: -20C to +60C Storage temperature: -40C to +85C 4.3-inch LCD monitor in the mirror - safety in an even better version! Reversing cameras are incredibly functional a solution that more and more drivers choose. Thanks to this device, we significantly increase our safety on the road, which is a huge advantage. However, if we have such recorders, we should equip ourselves with monitors that will enable us to receive live images. What to do in a situation where we do not want to take up excess space with this type of gadget? We come up with an excellent proposition that may interest you. The 4.3-inch LCD monitor in the mirror will not only provide you with a clear view, but will also effectively fulfill the function of a standard mirror! Shopping in a good store is a pleasure! When you choose Car-tronic, you mainly decide on your satisfaction! Choose a proven brand that knows how to take care of its customers. 
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