4.3 inch LCD monitor for reversing camera
Product reference: 919029542133

4.3 inch LCD monitor for reversing camera

Product reference: 919029542133
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Technical data: TFT LCD digital monitor Display size: 4.3” Display format: 4:3 Power supply: 12VDC Video: 2 AV sockets, automatic switching when reversing System: PAL/NTSC automatic switching Contrast: 350:1 Resolution: 480*234 Conditions of use: Operating voltage: 9V-16V DC Ambient humidity: 10-90% Ambient temperature: -20 C to +60 C Storage temperature: -40 C to +85 C 4.3-inch LCD monitor for the reversing camera - allow yourself to make even safer maneuvers! If you are a person who has just received your driving license or is unsure If you feel comfortable with certain road maneuvers, you must have already invested in a reversing camera. This is a great solution that makes driving on the roads much easier. However, if we want to have a view from this device, we should choose an appropriate screen that will not only be durable, but also readable. This is where our proposal comes in, and it will surely suit your tastes. The 4.3-inch LCD monitor for the reversing camera is a great product that is not only easy to install, but also extremely intuitive to use. Count on professional help! If you have any doubts while shopping, please contact us! Our specialists will answer every question. 
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