DAB module for Audi RNS-E LED 2010 Juna Jrdab-02
Product reference: 106276143686

DAB module for Audi RNS-E LED 2010 Juna Jrdab-02

Product reference: 106276143686
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DAB Radio electronic module for Audi RNS-E LED 2010, operating on: AMIC Platform. Digital DAB/DAB+ tuner for the factory SEAT/AUDI/LAMBORGHINI car radio. JRDAB-02 enables the reception of DAB/DAB+ digital radio services. The device has the function of tracking the selected service while driving through the service. Fully integrates with the CAN bus system. Specifications:• Control directly from the factory radio panel (CAN system)• Dynamic labels: DL/DL+• Support for DAB and DAB+ standards• Display of radio stations on the original radio screen• Works on the AMI platform• Tracking the selected radio station while driving (service observation )• Antenna power supply from the JRDAB-02 module (phantom power)• Possibility of software update Dedicated to: AUDI: A3,A4,A5,A6,R8,TTRadio: RNS-E
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