MDF spacers set. Ford Escort front 165mm
Product reference: 922424417814

MDF spacers set. Ford Escort front 165mm

Product reference: 922424417814
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Type of car audio accessories: SpacersMaterial: MDFSpeaker size: 165mmIntended use - car model: Ford EscortIntended use - car brand: FordPrice for 2 pieces                                                 Spacer ring for Ford Escort enabling the installation of 165mm speakers in the door instead of the factory 130mm speakers.The dimensions of the spacer are a hole for a 144mm speaker. we assemble by screwing three screws in the original places, while for the fourth screw you need to drill a hole yourself, it is advisable to seal the connection with a sheet metal spacer with a foam gasket or silicone, the holes for the screws mounting the loudspeaker must be drilled with a drill (2-3mm), this will prevent the screws from loosening or delaminating the rings, the MDF spacers are a set of right and left and they can be screwed to the door only in one position - after swapping the places, the holes will not match 
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