Jl audio rd400/ 4 4 channel amplifier
Product reference: 962898864789

Jl audio rd400/ 4 4 channel amplifier

Product reference: 962898864789
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ParametersRMS power (14.4V):75W x 4 - 4 ohms100W x 4 - 2 ohms150W x 2 - 8 ohms200W x 2 - 4 ohmsRMS power (12.5V):60W x 4 - 4 ohms90W x 4 - 2 ohms120W x 2 - 8 ohms180W x 2 - 4 ohmsFrequency response: 12Hz - 22kHz (+0, -1dB)Attenuation factor:>150 4 ohms - 50Hz>75  2 ohms - 50HzInput sensitivity: 200mV - 8V RMSFlter: 12dB/oct. Butterworth (Low-Pass, High-Pass)Filter frequency range: 50 - 500HzRecommended fuse: 40ADimensions: 240mm x 177mm x 54mm
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