Jbl basspro fuse passive subwoofer 2 x 8" (20cm)
Product reference: 12046

Jbl basspro fuse passive subwoofer 2 x 8" (20cm)

Product reference: 12046
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JBL BASSPRO FUSE Passive Subwoofer 2 x 8" (20cm), thanks to which you will have no problems with installation! Purchasing a subwoofer involves appropriately matching its size to our car. In many cases, space limits our possibilities, but engineers from JBL when creating the JBL BASSPRO FUSE Passive Subwoofer 2 x 8" (20cm), they focused on versatility, resulting in the creation of equipment that can easily fit into the space in your car. JBL Fuse is a revolutionary bass solution. JBL Fuse Dual Passive 8-inch Subwoofer Enclosures feature versatile placement options. They can be mounted as a single vertical housing or separated and mounted as two separate housings under or behind the seat. JBL Fuse delivers powerful bass and is a great upgrade to factory car audio systems or other solutions available on the market, as it provides an additional extra bass kick. Particularly noteworthy is the versatility of installation - JBL Fuse can be installed in a vertical docking station as a single element or separately, flat, under the seats. This new JBL bass box is compact and ultra-slim, so it can be mounted in virtually any vehicle, even under the seat. To tackle rock music, for example, and play low with minimal power requirements, each of the two JBL Fuse elements is equipped with an 8-inch subwoofer and an additional passive radiator. The perfectly curved plastic housing and symmetrical design give the JBL Fuse a great look. Strong, an attractive metal grill protects the woofer from damage, and spring terminals make connecting a cable, even with a large diameter, very easy. Technical specifications 2 x 8" (20 cm) subwoofers and passive radiators Continuous power 200W RMS Peak power 600W Frequency response 30Hz - 200Hz Sensitivity (2.83V/ 1m): 90 dB Nominal impedance: 4Ω when connected in parallel, 2Ω when connecting separate elements 
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