Kiyo Ultimate AP 2 GPS Laser Jammer - sensors blocking speed meters
Product reference: 115802724357

Kiyo Ultimate AP 2 GPS Laser Jammer - sensors blocking speed meters

Product reference: 115802724357
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Configuration and software updateThe operation settings of the active laser signaling device, as well as the update of its firmware, can be performed using a computer and a pendrive. The U1 central GPS unit contains a pan-European database that can be updated. It is very important that the device is always used with the latest software and database, otherwise we cannot guarantee that our customers will always have the latest information and be able to find the location where speed cameras are "hunting" them. The manufacturer and distributor do not are liable for any fines, damages or inconvenience caused by excessive speed or improper use of the device and its incorrect installation. The device is not intended to assist speeding, but to prevent the consequences of accidental speeding. Always obey speed limits
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