Interfejs wideo, dvd, dvb-t z tv-free vw, skoda, seat - rns510 / columbus / trinax
Product reference: 792912298461

Interfejs wideo, dvd, dvb-t z tv-free vw, skoda, seat - rns510 / columbus / trinax

Product reference: 792912298461
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DescriptionThe interface allows you to connect an external video source (DVD, DVB-T), additionally, the device allows you to control the video signal from the navigation levelConnectors 2 x VIDEOSupported car models Compatible with VW, Skoda and Seat with RNS510, Columbus, Trinax (all min. B software version SW1100) or RNS810 navigation system. For vehicles with factory HIGH reversing camera. Supported navigation models SEATTRINAXSKODACOLUMBUSVWRNS510RNS810 
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