Bluetooth a2dp interface bmw e60
Product reference: 997216496231

Bluetooth a2dp interface bmw e60

Product reference: 997216496231
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Bluetooth A2DP interface BMW E60The functionality of this interface is extremely beneficial for several important reasons. One of them is the fact that it fits into the original Aux port on the factory radio, which ensures high sound quality. Every DIY enthusiast who has dealt with application and assembly using any interface certainly realizes the importance of this advantage. Moreover, this accessory model allows you to connect any audio device with the Bluetooth A2DP streaming function, which gives you the opportunity to enjoy full control over the device. Another advantage is that the use of an interface prevents changing the appearance of the factory radio. The appearance of the cockpit then remains the same and gives a natural effect. It also protects against additional costs and unnecessary complications. If you have more questions, please call! Fits the original Aux port on the factory radio, so offering high sound quality. Allows you to connect any audio device with Bluetooth A2DP streaming function. Maintains the factory appearance of the radio. BMW 5 Series (E60) 2003-> 2010
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