Vag Can-Bus Dynaudio, Fender, Bang&olufsen activation interface
Product reference: 105166852448

Vag Can-Bus Dynaudio, Fender, Bang&olufsen activation interface

Product reference: 105166852448
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What is the HF PARROT cable used for? The car connector marked as HF PARROT cable is used for a hands-free kit that can be found in Citroen, Peugeot, Lancia and Fiat cars. It is durable and guarantees failure-free operation. Comfortable use of the car When modifying the car's equipment, we often forget about small auxiliary gadgets, the installation of which is of key importance. An example is the HF PARROT hands-free cable. It is available at a very low price, and is often a mandatory item of vehicle equipment. Cable for HF PARROT and quality guaranteeThe presented HF PARROT cable is a quality solution that will not disappoint you. It was made carefully to guarantee durability for a very long time. Compatibility with individual car models is presented below.                                                        Car connector: For PARRO hands-free kitCar brand: Ford                           Car model: Ford Fiesta 2018->Ford Focus 2018->Ford Transit 2018->
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