Interface usb audi ami-v6 mmi 3g, 3g+
Product reference: 106335633325

Interface usb audi ami-v6 mmi 3g, 3g+

Product reference: 106335633325
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AUDI AMI-V6 MMI 3G, 3G+ USB interface Do you want to seamlessly play audio tracks from a pendrive or iPad in your car? Thanks to the USB interface dedicated specifically to Audi vehicles, you will be able to listen to your favorite music from the radio. Connecting a USB pendrive or iPod with music files is automatically detected by the car's multimedia system. The interface produced by the Polish company JuNa is sold in a set with a bundle of connection cables and a "green" menu activator. The equipment allows you to use all MMI system settings, such as the ability to browse files, sort them, etc.  Audio component, thanks to which you can connect sound from a pendrive and iPod. This audio component is operated from the AUDI MMI navigation panel. After easy installation, you will be able to enjoy uninterrupted sound for a long time. Specifications:• Operation directly from the AUDI MMI navigation panel• Display of information on the factory AUDI MMI screen• AMI factory mode• USB and iPod support• Audio/video support• Easy installationDedicated to:AUDI: A4, A5, A6, A8, Q7  Unit : MMI 3G BASIC, MMI 3G, MMI 3G+ Set contents:• AMI-V6 module• Connection cable harness• "Green menu" activator
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