Mounting kit 2 din Citroen Jumpy, Peugeot Expert, Toyota Proace 2016 -
Product reference: 112644159979

Mounting kit 2 din Citroen Jumpy, Peugeot Expert, Toyota Proace 2016 -

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Many car manufacturers produce their own radio units that are optically integrated into the center console. For this reason, a suitable radio frame is needed to replace a standard DIN radio or a double DIN radio. In addition, a dedicated radio connector, an antenna adapter, a remote control adapter with steering wheel, reversing camera adapter and active adapter to run the factory amplifier. The radio frame allows you to replace the factory radio with a universal one. Masks the gaps between the cockpit and the car radio. Type of car audio accessories: Mounting kitVersion: 2 DINColor: blackCar brand and model: Citroen Jumpy 2016 ->Peugeot Expert 2016 ->Toyota Proace 2016 ->   The mounting kit includes:2 DIN radio frame: Reference 07995Adapter for steering wheel control: Reference 09247Antenna adapter . Index: 00081Connection cable for control. Index: 06426 Installation kit 2 DIN Citroen Jumpy, Peugeot Expert, Toyota Proace 2016 -> - installing a radio receiver has never been so easy! Standard radio installations, after some time, may no longer meet our basic needs when it comes to receiving our favorite stations. Then the moment comes when we have to choose a different receiver. Once we find the right model, we should install it. How can we do this? All you need to do is get the 2 DIN Installation Kit for Citroen Jumpy, Peugeot Expert, Toyota Proace 2016 -> which contains all the necessary elements to create a fully functional car audio system! The best car audio only with us! If you are looking for a way to modernize your car audio system, you should definitely visit our website, where you will find proven products that will meet your requirements.
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