HOCO L-15 Wireless Lavalier Microphone, USB Type-C
Product reference: 6931474789037

HOCO L-15 Wireless Lavalier Microphone, USB Type-C

Product reference: 6931474789037
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Omnidirectional, wireless microphone, 2.4GHz Wi-Fi, 15m transmission, receiver connector USB Type-C, battery life about 6 hours, capacity 70mAh
Features:Omnidirectional electret microphone. 360-degree surround sound technology allows you to record sound from all sides.Perfect reproduction of clear and clean sound without unwanted interference due to noise filtering protection.The microphone does not require an external power source, as it works on the principle of electrostatic charge.The receiver is powered by a button battery, the duration of operation is about 6 hours. The USB Type-C connector is compatible with most phones and tablets.A lavalier microphone is small, discreet, extremely light and comfortable. It is easy to attach to clothes, no need to hide wires.The ultra-low latency (15ms) makes it perfect for interviews, videos, tutorials, meetings, live streaming and gaming.
Technical data:Sensitivity: -40 dB.Frequency response: 20-20000Hz.Power supply: button battery 5V, 70mA.Receiver interface: USB Type-C plug.Battery capacity: 70mAh.Duration of operation: 6 hours.Charging time: 1.5 hours.Microphone dimensions: 58.7 x 22.8 x 25 mm.Dimensions of the receiver: 44.3 x 26.4 x 9.52 mm.Weight: 12g.Color: black.
Warranty: 12 months.
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