HDMI to AV converter
Product reference: 9990000911486-1

HDMI to AV converter

Product reference: 9990000911486-1
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This plastic HDMI to AV converter converts HDMI digital signal to AV(CVBS) composite video signal and R/L stereo audio signal. It converts high quality HDMI video signal to normal CVBS signals (standard- definition 480i, 576i), which can be received by TV, VHS VCR players, DVD recorder. It also supports NTSC and PAL in two standard formats. Does not support DTS and RAW codes.

No need to install drivers, plug and play.
By pressing PAL/NTSC switch on the converter, you can easily change the format between NTC and PAL.
Support full format output (NTSC, PAL).

HDMI input format: 480i/ 60Hz, 480p/ 60Hz,576i/ 60Hz, 576p/ 60Hz, 720p50/ 60Hz, 1080i50/ 60Hz, 1080p50/ 60Hz.
AV-output: CVBS(1.0Vpp), S-Video (Y:1.0Vpp, C:0.3Vpp).
Output video format: PAL/ NTSC.
Max working current: 320 mA.
Need DC 5V (1A) power supply.
Dimension: 70x65.8x20.2mm.

Warranty: 24 months.
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