Fotojuosta Ilford ORTHO Plus 120
Product reference:
ISO 80 (ISO 40 under incandescent light)
Low grain black and white band
Highlights under red light
120mm wide
Great for landscapes
Fotojuosta Ilford ORTHO Plus 120
Product reference:
ISO 80 (ISO 40 under incandescent light)
Low grain black and white band
Highlights under red light
120mm wide
Great for landscapes
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24 month
Delivery in
3 - 5
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ILFORD ORTHO PLUS is an orthochromatic black and white strip. ORTHO PLUS offers excellent shooting potential due to low grain and high sharpness. Ideal for shooting in daylight and on bright sunny days. Highlighting instructions are included in the strip package.
Validity: 01/2022
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