Filtras B+W XS-Pro MRC Clear 007M 62mm
Product reference: 2579794948622

Filtras B+W XS-Pro MRC Clear 007M 62mm

Product reference: 2579794948622
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Lens protection without affecting image quality
This filter fulfills the desire of many photographers to provide full lens protection without any filter effect. Its sole function is to protect the front lens from dirt and moisture. Made of special, ultra-clear optical glass, B+W Clear filters have a very high transmission value.

MRC – special, scratch-resistant, water- and dirt-repellent coating

On the left side of this filter is a traditional coating. Right side has MRC coating.

High quality lens elements and flat filter surfaces require perfect shape and smoothness to achieve the best optical quality. Dirt, greasy fingerprints, watermarks and scratches reduce image contrast and sharpness, causing light sources to bloom and have an effect similar to a soft focus lens. Therefore, a clean front lens element and clean filter surfaces are an absolute requirement for the most demanding photographers.

The MRC coating causes the water to bead up and slide off immediately.

MRC coating is primarily a broadband anti-reflective coating. This means that its anti-reflection effect, which is also a transmittance-increasing effect, i.e. i.e. one that suppresses stray light and shadow images and allows more light to pass through with broadband across the entire spectrum. In contrast, the (almost always blue) monolayer has a significant effect only in the mid-wavelength range around yellow and yellow-green, where the eye is most sensitive to light, and its effect is greatly reduced towards the blue-violet and purple-red end regions of the visible spectrum. With the MRC coating, this blue, violet and red to deep red light cannot produce any contrast, reducing stray light, speckled reflections or ghosting. The broadband effect can only be achieved with a multi-layer coating, which requires much more effort and precision, since the irregularities and irregularities of the individual layers accumulate on top of each other and reinforce each other. Therefore, Schneider uses a plasma evaporation coating process in which inert gas ions, accelerated in an electric field, densify the material deposited on the lens surface in a vacuum chamber.

For photographers, the main benefit of MRC coating is the ability to combat flare and shadows. An added benefit is that their filters stay clean longer, so they don't need to be cleaned as often. When the filter needs to be cleaned, it is much easier to clean the dirt with a blower brush because the MRC is able to repel dirt and moisture. It also reduces the risk of micro-scratches that may occur during cleaning.

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