MDF spacers VW Golf III front doors 165 mm
Product reference: 235985564942

MDF spacers VW Golf III front doors 165 mm

Product reference: 235985564942
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High-quality IMPREGNATED spacer rings. Speaker spacers made of the highest quality MDF. MDF absorbs unwanted vibration while rigidly and permanently holding the speaker in place. This ensures maximum effectiveness of the loudspeaker. If you buy good loudspeakers - it is also worth buying good spacers - after installation, you will see that the sound is really clean and very strong (which may not be ensured by adapters made of poor material). The loudspeaker and the distance constitute, in a sense, " a musical instrument". Therefore, it is worth buying spacers made of MDF, which is a material of natural origin (processed wood).                                                       Type of car audio accessories: SpacersMaterial: MDFSpeaker size: 165m Intended use - car brand: VW                             Intended use - car model VW Golf III, 1991 - 1999 Intended use - loudspeaker location: VW Golf III - front door           Thickness: 38mm Car audio features: Impregnated Price for 2 pcs                 Before installing the speakers at a distance holes for the screws should be drilled using an appropriately selected drill. If water accumulates in the car, it is necessary to additionally protect it against moisture, preferably with silicone
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