Dry Neutro Spray Shampoo Dry shampoo with tapioca starch, 200ml
Product reference: 8034063520870

Dry Neutro Spray Shampoo Dry shampoo with tapioca starch, 200ml

Product reference: 8034063520870
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12 month

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Neutral dry shampoo for all hair types. Perfectly revives hair between washes, gives a feeling of cleanliness, volume and gives a pleasant aroma. The tapioca starch in the composition absorbs excess sebum, gives the hair and scalp a feeling of lightness and cleanliness. 

Leaves no residue. 


Shake well before use. Spray on dry hair at a distance of about 30 cm, making sure that the product reaches the roots. Massage your hair with your fingers. No need to rinse.

Wait a few minutes and gently comb your hair.

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