Multifunctional audio recording adapter Boya BY-DM20
Product reference: 6971008024258

Frequency response 45Hz - 20kHz
Connections 3.5 mm mini-jack, Type-C to Lightning, Type-C to USB, Type-C to Type-C
Power supply from connected device

Multifunctional audio recording adapter Boya BY-DM20

Product reference: 6971008024258

Frequency response 45Hz - 20kHz
Connections 3.5 mm mini-jack, Type-C to Lightning, Type-C to USB, Type-C to Type-C
Power supply from connected device

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This is a professional audio recording adapter suitable for iOS, Android (Type-C) devices and laptops. The set includes 2 clip-on microphones, each 2 meters long. The sound level recorded by each microphone can be adjusted separately. There is a 3.5mm audio connection for headphones for sound monitoring. The system records stereo or mono audio. Suitable for interviews, presentations, vlogs and other situations where good sound, overall system versatility, convenience and mobility are relevant. 

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