Ctk tempofix 4 - soundproofing and noise-insulating foam
Product reference: 903467753832

Ctk tempofix 4 - soundproofing and noise-insulating foam

Product reference: 903467753832
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CTK Elastic rubber foams, CTK TempoFix polyethylene foams), soft, porous sound-absorbing materials with the structure of open and partially closed cells, which, in addition to sound-absorbing properties, also act as spacers that cushion and dampen the resonances of plastic upholstery elements and reduce the creaking and squeaking of these elements ( e.g. polyurethane sound-absorbing foams CTK SilenceFix, CTK WaveFix, sound-absorbing mats based on CTK CaiMat non-woven fabric, effective foams with increased density CTK SilenceMat).CTK TempoFix 4s - sound-silencing and noise-insulating foam - a road free from the bustle of the surrounding city! A comfortable journey is a pleasant journey trip. Each of us values ​​comfort while driving. The basic element that influences positive feelings during travel is silence. Unfortunately, most of the factory soundproofing turns out to be insufficient, which allows unpleasant noises to enter the cabin. How can we fight this? It's time to reach out
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