Compatible Samusng CLT-C404S new soft
Product reference: CLT-C404S

Suitable for Samsung printers

Xpress SL C480W
Xpress SL C480FW
Xpress SL C430W
Xpress SL C483W

Compatible Samusng CLT-C404S new soft

Product reference: CLT-C404S

Suitable for Samsung printers

Xpress SL C480W
Xpress SL C480FW
Xpress SL C430W
Xpress SL C483W

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High-quality analog cassette [CASSETTE NAME] designed for intensive office work. Print clear and crisp text on plain office paper. This recycled cartridge is manufactured in compliance with productivity standards and environmental requirements. The main advantage of using an analog cartridge is lower printing costs. One cartridge prints about 1,000 copies.
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