Compatible cartridge SAMSUNG ML-1660, MLT-D1042S
Product reference: 9990000811496-1

Compatible cartridge SAMSUNG ML-1660, MLT-D1042S

Product reference: 9990000811496-1
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Compatible cartridge made with the same specifications as the original toner MLT-D1042S, MLT-D104S.
Features: Specially formulated toner for laser printer make sharp, professional printing easy, reliable and cost-effective.
Compatibility: Samsung ML-1660.Samsung ML-1661.Samsung ML-1665.Samsung ML-1666.Samsung ML-1670.Samsung ML-1675.Samsung ML-1676.Samsung ML-1677.Samsung ML-1860.Samsung ML-1865W.Samsung SCX-3200.Samsung SCX-3205.Samsung SCX-3210.Samsung SCX-3217.
Specifications:Page yield: 1500 pages.Color: black.
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