Can bus interface rcd310, rns310, rns315, rns510 connection in older vw 1.6-2.0 models
Product reference: 793249325789

Can bus interface rcd310, rns310, rns315, rns510 connection in older vw 1.6-2.0 models

Product reference: 793249325789
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CAN BUS converter for RCD310 / RNS310 / RNS315 / RCD510. RNS510 systems with image unlocking function with dedicated wiring. The interface allows you to connect RCD310 / RNS310 / RNS315 and RCD510 / RNS510 in VW T5 or Touareg with CAN-BUSProtocol 1.6 and a sound system (separate external amplifier), additionally supporting the display between the clocks. Steering wheel controls are supported. In addition, the interface activates the video function for connecting a front or rear camera (the camera image is displayed while driving).
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