Cable LMR-400, 7m, N-male to RP-SMA-male
Product reference: 9990000991525-1

Cable LMR-400, 7m, N-male to RP-SMA-male

Product reference: 9990000991525-1
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Cable LMR-400, 7m, N-male to RP-SMA-male

Cable for LoRa antenna, compatible with LoraWan, Helium technologies.
The LMR-400 is a standard coaxial cable very popular in the industry due to its excellent reliability, unsurpassed flexibility and ultra low attenuation.
For outdoor use (with UV protection).
Connection from N-male to RP (Reverse Polarity) SMA-male.

Technical specification:
Connection 1: N-male.
Connection 2: RP-SMA-male.
Cable length: 7m.
Cable type: LMR-400.
Resistance: 50 ohms.
Operating temperature: -40°C ~ +85°C.
Color: black.

Warranty: 24 months.
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