Cable CHOETECH USB4, Type-C - Type-C, 40Gbps, 100W, 20V/ 5A, 8K/ 60HZ, 0.8m
Product reference: 6971824979251-1

Cable CHOETECH USB4, Type-C - Type-C, 40Gbps, 100W, 20V/ 5A, 8K/ 60HZ, 0.8m

Product reference: 6971824979251-1
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Audio and video cable CHOETECH supporting the new generation USB4 standard provides up to 40 Gb / s data throughput, video transmission up to 8K / 60Hz and 100W 5A charging. The cable can be used with all devices that support USB-Type C.

Due to modern technology and the specification of USB 4.0, the cable is suitable for transferring large amounts of data in a short time.
Supports fast loading (PD) function.

Connections 1 and 2: USB - Type C.
Maximum data throughput: 40 GB / s.
Resolution: 8K
Max. frame rate: 60Hz.
Charging: 100W / 20V / 5A.
Material: nylon, aluminum.
Length: 0.8m.
Color black.

Warranty: 12 months.
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