Wireless transmitter Boya BY-WXLR8 Pro
Product reference: 6971008023930

UHF plug-in transmitter for microphones
24 MHz bandwidth
Auro-Lock system prevents accidental clicks
Compatible with RX8 Pro and SPRX8 Receivers
Easy to control menu

Wireless transmitter Boya BY-WXLR8 Pro

Product reference: 6971008023930

UHF plug-in transmitter for microphones
24 MHz bandwidth
Auro-Lock system prevents accidental clicks
Compatible with RX8 Pro and SPRX8 Receivers
Easy to control menu

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BOYA BY-WXLR8 PRO plug-in transmitter for microphones. Compatible with BOYA RX8 Pro and SP-RX8 Pro receivers.

The transmitter has an automatic lock that will ensure that the settings of the transmitter are not accidentally changed during operation. The transmitter also has a locking 3.5mm TRS input connector. The microphone transmitter works with two AA batteries.

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