Baterija Newell D-Li90
Product reference: 5901891108521
Baterija Newell D-Li90

Baterija Newell D-Li90

Product reference: 5901891108521
Baterija Newell D-Li90
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Battery Newell D-Li90

Newell D-Li90 battery ensures high quality, safety and advanced technology - all this at an attractive price.

High quality

Newell batteries use the best quality cells. The capacity indicated in milliamps is real and ensures a long operating time.

100% security

Integrated intelligent safety system based on IC electronics regulates the charging process. This guarantees the safety and security of the device and the user.

Advanced technology

Newell's replacement is made using lithium-ion technology. This allows repeated charging and discharging, as well as recharging at any time without the risk of the so-called "memory effect".

Years of experience

The Newell brand has been on the market for many years and has a long list of satisfied customers among both professional and amateur photographers.


  • model: D-Li90

  • technology: lithium-ion

  • capacity: 1860 mAh

  • voltage: 7.4 volts


  • Pentax K-7, K-5, K-5 II, K-5 IIs, K-3, K-3 II

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