Reflector with frame Refletors 5in1 frame 100x150cm
Product reference: 2574919938589

Sturdy frame
Has a frame support for easy positioning
Easy assembly
Dimensions 100x150cm

Reflector with frame Refletors 5in1 frame 100x150cm

Product reference: 2574919938589

Sturdy frame
Has a frame support for easy positioning
Easy assembly
Dimensions 100x150cm

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Bottom reflector 5 in 1. Perfect for studio or outdoor photography. 

Silver reflector - Strongly reflects light, illuminates contrasts in exposure.
Golden reflector - reduces the color temperature of the light when you need to warm and soften the light.
White reflector - Reflects soft neutral light.
Black reflector - reduces reflections and deepens shadows.
Diffusing reflector - diffuses and softens the light, acts as a light box.

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