antenna teleskopowa opel vectra
Product reference: 214615142752

antenna teleskopowa opel vectra

Product reference: 214615142752
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Telescopic car antenna from the renowned German company Voice Kraft. The antenna is intended for the Opel Vectra car. The antenna is made of high-quality components. Due to the fact that the antenna is telescopic, it allows us to set the length of the antenna at our discretion. The antenna is very easy to install, the antenna cable ends with a radio plug. The antenna has a detachable antenna cable, which makes it easier to install the antenna. There is no need to run the entire cable through the car. The antenna mast is protected against corrosion both inside and outside the antenna mast with silicone oil, which also makes it easier to extend the antenna. Technical data: Mast length 80 cm Total length 120 cm Antenna extendable telescope consisting of 4 parts Mast color chrome
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