Adapter volvo s40,v40, v70, na iso
Product reference: 343765536959

Adapter volvo s40,v40, v70, na iso

Product reference: 343765536959
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Car connector type: AdapterIntended use - car brand: VolvoConnector version: ISO                                                                                         Intended use - car modelVolvo S40 1995 - 2000Volvo V40 1995 - 2000Volvo S70 1996 - 2000Volvo V70 1996 - 2000Volvo S90 1996 - 2000 6 - 2000Volvo V90 1996 - 2000Volvo 850 1993 - 1996Volvo 940 1993 - 1996Volvo 960 1993 - 1996Volvo C70 1997 - 2000
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