Plug & play adapter for installation of VW MFD and Audi Navi Plus
Product reference: 190297578336

Plug & play adapter for installation of VW MFD and Audi Navi Plus

Product reference: 190297578336
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Plug & Play adapter for TV-Free (required: TV tuner & video source!) With this adapter, installing satellite navigation in your car becomes easier than ever. No cutting cables! Just plug the adapter into the ISO connector and connect the 26pin plug to your navigation unit. The set is ready!Important!With this installation, you do not lose the car manufacturer's warranty!The Plug & Play adapter works with:• VW MFD version c/d/g• Audi Navi Plus DX• Skoda, Seat, Ford MFD NaviUsing our adapter, you can also while driving, watch TV or DVD by pressing the red button (photo). Technical informationThe adapter is used to install all AUDI/VW navigation systems operating in the DX system. This means that it uses the speed signal from the speedometer, which is also used in factory installations to increase the radio volume (GALA). Thanks to our adapter, MFD navigation systems in versions C, D and G as well as AUDI Navi+ can be installed in any car with electronic speed measurement. The installation of navigation systems for all the above-mentioned modules is the same because the timing is identical with speedometer impulses. Features• completely new equipment & warranty included• purchased directly from the manufacturer• made of original elements (VW and AMP)• unified colors (OEM)• cables covered with special sheath• adapter made only by crimping technique - no soldering
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