Mercedes a/ c/ e/ clk-serie speaker adapter (front, rear)
Product reference: 168996183522

Mercedes a/ c/ e/ clk-serie speaker adapter (front, rear)

Product reference: 168996183522
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Car connectorSpeaker adapterCar brandMercedesCar model:Mercedes A-class (front, rear)Mercedes C-class (front,rear)Mercedes CLK-class (front,rear)Mercedes E-class (front,rear)Quantity 1pcs Mercedes A/C/E/Speaker Adapter CLK-Serie (front, rear) - a basic tool when replacing the receiver! Have you just replaced the factory car receiver? In this case, you will need to connect the speakers to the new device. This process may prove problematic if you are not equipped with the most necessary tools. Fortunately, we can help you. First of all, you should be interested in purchasing proven adapters. The Mercedes A/C/E/CLK-Serie speaker adapter (front, rear) will be a great option. Discover the advantages of Car-tronic! The Car-tronic store makes every effort to ensure that every customer is fully satisfied with the quality of services. We encourage you to cooperate with specialists in your field!
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