8 Colors Metallic Watercolor Solid Paints APW-001-M0108
Product reference: 9990000303281

8 Colors Metallic Watercolor Solid Paints APW-001-M0108

Product reference: 9990000303281
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Premium quality handmade watercolor Arrtx, 8 colors. The set is suitable for both professional and amateur use. Watercolor paints use natural minerals as raw materials. The pigments are high-purity and finely ground. Unique metallic glitter texture. Safe, non-toxic, glossy, fast drying.

Natural mineral pigmentation, intense and rich colours.
Unique metallic textures, no granulation, delicate and uniform, add a glossy effect to your creations.
Easy to mix with water.
Safe, non-toxic, quick drying.
Large removable watercolor pans, can be easily dipped with either a small or large brush without damaging your brushes.
The watercolors are stored in a lightweight, compact box.

Attention! Not suitable for children under 3 years of age, with adult supervision only. Do not expose the colors to direct sunlight.

Set includes:
Watercolours 4g x8.
Box x1.

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